Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thoughts for a sunday afternoon

You know that thing you remind yourself of again and again that you need to buy at the store? And then you get to the store and one kid is eating everything you put in the cart and the other one is crying because he wants to eat everything you put in the cart and somwhere amidst the chaos you come home with about half of what you were supposed to get and you can't believe you forgot to get that thing you went to the store in the first place for? Well that "thing" for me has been camera batteries. I have gone to the store twice now and come home without them, and since it takes me a half hour to get to the store I can't just run back and get it. Which is why this is the most boring post ever because I have no pictures to convince you that my life really is the dream it appears to be!! Right! Anyway, Both of my kids have ear infections in both ears and colds and I think Tyce is teething (it must be noted, however,that I always think tyce is teething. Why else would such a pretty baby cry so much?? This is a rhetorical question......I really want to know!). Also, I feel like the weeds around my house are trying to devour us. I think the weed killer we put on then was actually fertilizer, they are huge!. I feel intimidated by them, and tend to steer clear, which now that I think about it, is probably how the situation got so out of control in the first place. I saw a movie once ( actually if I remember correctly it was a musical) about a plant that wanted to eat people ....... I think it has been reincarnated as a weed. Well, I should now end the most random post I have ever written ( thus far). I will post picture of said weeds.............when I get camera batteries.

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