Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A glance back and look forward

This was taken when mark and I were dating. Look, I still have the "college glow"!
Mark and I were laying in bed the other night and I asked him if there was one time in his life he would go back to and freeze time what would it be. His was a toss up, his mission, or his freshmen year in college. I would deffinitely have to say my years in college. And then I got to thinking if there would ever be a time in my life as good as those years. That's not to say that I am not happy, or that college didn't have it's challenges, just that it is such a unique time in life. So I asked my sister and a couple other people and the consensus was, there will never be another time like that. Does that make you sad? It did me, until I realized that there are alot of things I am looking forward to, (again, not that I don't appreciate this time in my life, but I must be honest and say that I have never reached my breaking point so often, or yelled so much in my life combined! And I don't consider myself a yeller, but seriously, why am I still cleaning up pee???? She has been "potty trained" for a couple of months now, so I thought) Anyway, here are my top 10 things to look forward to:

1. First days of school

2. kids sporting events

3. running around like crazy after school to do all the kids' activities

4. piano lessons (yes, I am imposing my own lack of skill on my children!!!)

5. taking them to sportcamp/efy at BYU ( I don't know why but I think that will be so fun!)

6. school programs

7. logical and lucid conversations with my children ( I take it back, the silly conversations are more fun!)

8. sitting around together and laughing on a sunday evening

9. a flat stomach (please tell me when I am done having kids that this is a possibility.......lie if necessary)

10. Sleeping in

I may never get my college days back, but maybe I can live vicariously through my kids , except this time I won't gain the freshman 15..............I don't think.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny though - I would never go back to college days... The only thing I miss about college sometimes is living with girls, because I felt like i was so much more feminine and put together when I was surrounded by girls. Other than that... I'm happier now than I've ever been. ( :
